Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sneakity Peek: Rugs for Pure Style Home!

As I recently mentioned, we're working on getting an online store up & running for Pure Style Home.  It's going to be filled with one-of-a-kind things I absolutely love and want to keep.  (But because I'm not independently wealthy and don't have ten houses, must sell ;)  I am SO INSANELY EXCITED over the rugs we just recently found to be sold in the shop!!  (We were only able to buy 4 to start out with-  rugs are a serious investment- eek!)  All of the rugs chosen are hand-knotted, have an antique washed feel, and I want to keep every single one.  I'm in the process of photographing them and was just too excited not to share with you.  This one is a Mamluk rug, created in the style of rugs produced during the Mamluk Dynasty in 14th Century Egypt.  It's full of golds and browns with splashes of pale blue-green:

It's approximately 8 x 11 and I'm seriously in love,  Here's a close-up:

I'm really not a sales person but have started this venture out of my love for stuff.  Yeah, there I said it, I LOVE STUFF.  But I can't keep it all, and in my job, I see so many beautiful things that it's hard to walk away from them.  It's hard for me to "sell" things to anyone, but if I don't, I'll end up with either a house smashed-full of beautiful things and an empty bank acoount or having to continue to walk away from all of these treasures.  So, the new shop will be my outlet for making these items available to clients & others who love them as much as I do...  a place for my "uncommon finds."  I hope you never feel that posts like this are "salesy" and that I'm trying to push anything on you...  I hope you see it as me being so excited that I want to share things with you because that's truly what it is.

{A bunch of the other items in the photos above will be for sale too, but I'm not sure which ones yet as I'm having trouble parting with them- ha!}

I'm adding inventory to the store daily and am trying to get it up and running as quickly as possible.  I'll keep you posted!!  Would love to know what you think of it!!

xoxo, Lauren

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Modern Interior Furniture

Modern Furniture Style

modern interior furniture

Modern Interior Furniture

Modern interior furniture style is overwhelm with new and unusual lines, it has imported new trends in designing, for example, has started the widespread use of glass, iron and concrete structures. Modern furniture style is evident in the interior with wide, filled with air spaces, large windows and ample opportunities for fantasy.Suffice it to see the magnificent buildings of European turn of the century, where all design elements, ranging from bars and ment to reach ornaments on the walls are completed in one style. Creating modern interior furniture style, the designer is choosing a direction and began to improvise, having obeyed all on one theme.

Even nowadays modern interior furniture style amazes with its flowing forms and lines striking combination of natural and abstract motifs. Modern furniture style peculiar cult of beauty, by making everything in the interior of the harmony of shapes and lines, even in small modern apartments can fill the room with amazing ease and beauty of classic modern.Modern interior furniture style is distinguished by its simple shapes and high functionality. Original furniture solutions fit easily into the interior of the contemporary home, this may be, for example, chair made from stretched over metal construction leather or fabric.

modern interior furniture

Modern Interior Furniture

But, after having evolved in different countries, he has acquired another direction and design of modern interior furniture.Modern wonderful style can be used in modern interiors. Widely used today furniture is a direct descendant of American and English design solutions for modern furniture style. Modern interior furniture also combines well with the use of various materials - a combination of metal, wood, plastic and glass - are right to be tried in the early designers of the century.

Modern contemporary interior furniture style seriously enriched by new materials and textures, making it more diverse, but most importantly the establishment of modern furniture style decor is not to forget the primary trend of smooth lines and use a natural material, and harmony of all the natural reasons but also for the harmony of all the modern interior design elements to create a finished picture. Fantasy should not be restricted, but need to think only one chosen direction, then modern furniture style will meet your home with light and lightness.

modern interior furniture

Modern Interior Furniture

Garden Landscape Design Ideas

Garden Landscape Designs

garden landscape design

Garden Landscape Design

Landscape design is an activity which creates an artificial environment for human environment with increased use of natural components, relief, water and other vegetation. The term "Landscape Architecture" has appeared 100 years ago in the U.S., then there organizing the first national parks. In Europe garden landscape design has appeared much later.Landscape design incorporates concepts such as: fences, garden furniture, greenhouses, gardens, ornamental and fruit trees, flower beds, the design of balconies and terraces, entrances and windows, tools and accessories, as well as preparations and approvals.

garden landscape design

Garden Landscape Design

This is a complex event, which implied a structured approach to the design of the garden landscape include a clear plan, a change which takes into account factors such as climate and soil.Sometimes the owners of the garden landscape design are willing to make it more interesting or beautiful. This desire can be done completely without the imposition of global change. Can turn into a garden paradise, using some techniques and elements of shape, actively used in landscape design.The principles of the art of gardening, the perception of space, ways of shaping and visual effects are the same for large and small parcels.

Garden Landscape Design

Shaping garden landscape design directly depends on the capabilities of the gardener, the location, characteristics and imaginative.In designing the garden landscape design must clearly define your desires. Does the garden landscape design look as beautiful natural place, or it will be fully functional, planted with fruit and vegetables, it will be easy and simple to maintain. Accordingly, should develop a specific plan, which will take into account physical features, climate and soil conditions.

Contemporary Bathroom Furniture

Bathroom Furniture

modern bathroom design 
Bathroom Design

The bathroom has become a mandatory element of home not so long ago - about 100 years ago. But today we can not imagine the house without it. The bathroom has a corner in which we can relax, as in the spa resort and not just a place for hygienic procedures. That should take care of the interior of the bathroom design to make even more enjoyable time spent there.Successful interior design of the bathroom should be comfortable, practical and, of course, enjoy the eye. It is therefore important to bear in mind the dimensions of your bathroom, and those of your wallet.

modern bathroom interior

The first thing to do is determine the color. When choosing to rely on your own taste, but there are some requirements. It is desirable that the color of the bathroom interior to look harmonious color to your home as a whole. Experts advise to use pastel colors: beige, light blue, pink.In this case, it is all well and shaping the interior of the bathroom should always be subject to the current classic. Thin lines, fine gold detail - all this will create a truly royal atmosphere.

modern bathtub

Now the most important thing in the bathroom - tub. The choice of this component depends only on your taste. Modern shops offering almost everything which is capable of human imagination: whirlpool modern bathtubs, across a length, angle. The colors make us think - from classic white to black provocative avant-garde. Remember that wadding should be combined with the color of the sink.If the size of the bath allow you place the bathtub and shower. Divide these two equally useful procedures: quick rinse and lazy-gracefully rest in the bathroom.

modern bathroom furniture

Make the most functional space. Various shelves and cabinets will give a unique look of your modern bathroom. The modern bathroom furniture can select set or as ready to form your own.Material they produced bathroom furniture depends only on your desires. This can be a heavy marble, reminiscent of Roman baths, light wood (especially well treated and moisture resistant), and practical plastic, easy and convenient.

modern bathroom mirror
Undoubtedly light rear end and interior accessories of the bathroom. Light is the beginning of everything. You must be well see in the bathroom mirror, so unless the ceiling light, plug lighting over the sink or bathroom mirror.The modern mirror will help you to look from all sides, so do not limit yourself with just one. One usually above the sink and one with an increasing effect - shaving or make-up.

Small accessories will give your bathroom finished and will deliver the long search for a towel, soap, toothbrush. We now need to add something only you - a vase on the wall with hanging flowers, aromatic candles, and running water and relax in a world of peace and joy.

Contemporary Bedroom Furniture

Contemporary Bedrooms

contemporary modern bedroom furniture

Contemporary Bedroom Furniture

Tranquil sleep is necessary for health, and all other spheres of life activity. Properly furnished contemporary bedroom and a good mattress - it is necessary for good rest.The contemporary bedroom should be as far from the front door. In this case we will not be disturbed side sounds, and feel safe. In modern homes the owners often plan bedroom furniture in an isolated area, closed to visitors.The bedroom should be a corridor to move from room to room. A bedroom furniture is often combine with wardrobe rooms.To give the freedom and ease the contemporary bedroom ceiling should be neither too high nor too low.

Bedroom for adults must be calm pastel colors, a child's bedroom - in bright. If the bedroom is also the cabinet, or has some other additional feature is desirable area to sleep and work are separated.Lighting should be nice and not very strong.  Contemporary bedroom furniture can be made of solid wood panels, MDF, wrought iron, glass, decorative plastic, fabric, knitted rattans.But in no case shall be saved out of bed.  The contemporary bed should be not only strong but also comfortable and beautiful. Not the volatile metal bedroom furniture with metal spring.

According to Feng Shui the most favorable place for contemporary bedroom furniture is diagonally across from the door, a tray on the bed should not touch the wall.The bed should not be near windows, not to suffer from the effects of flow and direct sunlight. In any case, if you sleep poorly or not you can relax, move the bed and your condition will improve soon.

The price of the contemporary bedroom furniture depend on the following factors: by the manufacturer (imported modern bedroom furniture are usually more expensive) of materials (natural wood bedroom furniture or specific breeds are more expensive) solutions from design (standard models are cheaper than specially designed just for you), of modes of production (bedroom furniture, handmade in part are expensive).Many people prefer to buy contemporary furniture for the bedroom alone, and to complete the discretion. In this case it is possible to save.

The Tempel Lipizzan Legacy

A few miles from my dad's lake house (where we're visiting now) are the Tempel Lipizzan Stables which house Lipizzans, Europe's oldest domesticated horses, owned by the Tempel Smith family (of Tempel Steel).  The grounds are incredible and we love going to see the shows.
{The Stables}

According to, "Lipizzans are Europe's oldest domesticated breed of horse. They not only possess beauty and nobility, but also a rare combination of courage, strength, ability, temperament, and intelligence.

The Lipizzan breed had its beginning in 1580"... and was created by a combination of different breeds... They have been moved throughout the past 400 years numerous times to survive various wars including the Napoleanic Wars, and World Wars I & II.  "In 1945 General patton executed a daring rescue of the Lippizzans, the story of which is told in Disney's The Miracle of the White Stallions."

{photo of a photo I saw in the stables}

"In 1955, millionaire Tempel Smith (Tempel Steel) of Chicago, imported 20 Lipizzans from Austria, 11 from Hungary, and 6 from Yugoslavia..."

{Me creepily taking photos of one of the riders who was resting between performances...  he totally caught me- oops!}

..."Tempel Smith devoted 15 years, until his death in 1980, importing and breeding his herd to over 400 horses. Since Tempel Smith's death, much of the herd was disbursed. However, Tempel Farms still breeds a number of Lipizzans each year, and they still successfully compete Lipizzans for Tempel Farms."
{The Show...  The woman above was so beautiful & poised...  exactly what you would imagine. }

This year, the weather was perfect when we took Christian & Justin to see the show.  The horses are just incredible:

I can't believe how high they jump!!!

The boys had so much fun and even 7-month-old Justin was into it...


 {I loved this photo from the stables}

And Christian loved the old "fire truck"- 

I'm apey over the Guest House, which sits high up on a hill overlooking the grounds:

It can be rented for private events and there's a pool in the back:


... which overlooks this:

And the stables house some of the best design I've ever seen:

The hallway was gorgeous. 


They've kept everything as it was in the 50s:

Check out the heat lamps the horses use when being bathed:

...And of course I can't see all of this and not start to think about interiors.  Oh my gosh, please someone call me with a horse fetish!!!  (err passion ;)  I'm dying to do a home for a horse-lover now!!

  Check out these photos taken by Roger Davies for Elle Decor of Mark Badgley and James Mishcka’s home:  Mmmmmm.. love it!

 And this one from Nuevo Estilo Magazine via La Dolce Vita:

(I can't help but get a little bit excited for Fall when looking at all of these images but I'm holding it back because Summer's still in full force.)  

And one last picture of the horses as we drove by another day on the way home to the house...  You can see them right on Hunt Club Road: 

{The Tempel Lipizzans}

xoxo, Lauren

If you're still in the mood for horse-inspired interiors, definitely check out these 2 posts full of equestrian eye candy:  (so gorgeous!!!)

Chic Equestrian Style in Home Decor by Simplified Bee
Equestrian Chic by La Dolce Vita

Minimalist Living Room Design

Minimalist Living Room
minimalist living room

Minimalist Living Room

If you are living room and working and relaxing, it looks too gaudy, try to graduate with a minimum amount of furniture, sofas and select sections with a simple minimalist design.When no space for office or library, be sure to reasonably combine the functions of the living room. For example, the library is better positioned in the minimalist living room because it is intended for general use, and this is detrimental to have books where children sleep. o look harmonious one multifunctional minimalist living room, use the unifying methods. For example, upholstered chairs with the same fabric as the minimalist living furniture.Use sliding doors, partitions, screens, curtains to separate work from leisure area.

minimalist living room

Minimalist Living Room

minimalist living room